I'll be honest, i really didn't know what to expect form this trip. I had been having a rough patch just before we left, and I was begging God to show me...something. As soon as I was on that plane all of my worries went out the window. Talk about a just plain relaxing time that we had.
Ireland is an awesome country. The difference of culture didn't really start sinking in until about the 3rd day or so. Once we started establishing why we were there you could tell there was almost this tension or something. You knew we were going against the masses in another country. The kids we worked with were out of this world. I think there has only been one day since we have been back that i haven't talked to at least one of them.
It's cool knowing you have friends from across the other side of the planet. It's almost like a distant relative you always enjoy seeing and can't wait to go back to again. Hopefully opportunity will arise to head back next year so we can follow up on our work. Plus I know I am just as excited to see our kids as they are to see us.
It's weird. One girl told one of our team members that they were afraid to get attached because we were just leaving. I guess that's something that really hit me in the gut, feeling like me being around someone is so enjoyable for them. Like you make a difference or something. God has been working at my heart through this experience. I guess sometimes I have felt out of touch with God and was hoping this experience would draw me back. I can't say I haven't settled back in a bit, but God has already opened the door.

This is a picture of our group with some of the kids we met from Downpatrick Presbyterian Church. They are some of the coolest people I will probably ever meet in my lifetime. I pray for them every night, that God will work in their lives, the way he has worked in mine.
Let us continually worship you God, even with our unclean hands..To you we give our praise.