Thursday, February 18, 2010


The other day I had the opportunity to be the best man at my brothers wedding. I can't explain how excited and proud I am of him, waiting all that time for his perfect girl.

What passion

What determination

I don't really think that anyone was really nervous about things other than Heather (my brothers wife) but I knew I had one thing on my task list for the day that gave me some butterflies.

My speech.

Now I have to admit I'm not really too shy of a person when it comes to being in front of an audience. I tried all day to build my courage up so I could give the most memorable speech in the history of wedding speeches.

The time came.

I was nervous.

I had written everything out and decided to not read word for word. I guess it turned out ok (or so they all say) and I was happy that I just got through it. As much fear and uncertainty as there was floating around all day from everyone, we trusted that things would go smoothly.

Marriage can be a scary thing. You and your significant other begin on a journey

A marriage takes trust and sacrifice from both sides of the party to help guide each other in their daily decisions and to sacrifice yourself for the other person.

Love takes sacrifice.

Sacrifice takes trust.

Love without trust is futile.

In the book of Genesis there's a story about a guy named Abraham and his son Isaac. Now we read in the earlier chapters of Genesis that Abraham was married to a woman named Sarah and she was without child her entire life.

She was pushing 90 years of age.

That is a long, long time.

In Genesis 17  God speaks to Abraham and tells him that his wife Sarah will be with child.

Abraham laughs.

Sarah laughs as well.

You remember that she is 90 right?

I want to skip forward a few chapters to Genesis 22, after the birth of Isaac. God comes to Abraham and says "Abraham!" to which Abraham makes the famous reply "Here I Am". God then commands him to take Isaac to the mountains in region of Moriah and offer him as a burnt sacrifice.





I imagine that these were a few of the first thoughts that popped into Abraham's head. I mean sacrificing his son, the one which God miraculously provided through his ninety year old wife?

No. No, no, no, no, no.

This is outrageous. But we see that Abraham makes no objections and the next day takes Isaac with him into the mountains. I can only imagine that trip. The thoughts about what was to come. Isaac had no idea what was about to happen. But Abraham is willing to sacrifice what he holds most dear, because it is what God asks of him.

Abraham is willing to sacrifice for his love.

As the story continues Abraham leads Isaac up into the mountains and on their way up Isaac asks him "Where is the lamb for the offering?"

Abraham replies "God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering."

I can only imagine Abrahams emotions as he knew what was really going on. He prepares the alter and binds Isaac (which I am sure was not an easy thing to accomplish, I'd be fighting back). Abraham reaches and takes out the knife to slay Isaac when suddenly the Lord shouts:


"Here I am" he replies (notice how Abrahams language points that he knows God is always near by?)

The Lord says, "Do not lay a hand on the boy. Now I know that you fear God because you have not withheld your son."

I tell you what I would be relieved but upset at the same time.

You tested me with my son's life on the line?

Sometimes we think we have it so bad. That we have to sacrifice the pitiful things in our lives for love, when people like Abraham were called to sacrifice their children. How selfish are we as humans?

Abraham had trust in God and his love for God was so pure. It is the the kind of love and trust that we should exert in our own spiritual lives as well as in our daily lives with the people we interact with and with the situations we are put in.

Be faithful. Sacrifice. Trust.


There's a really great song called Wake Dead Man, Wake by the band As Cities Burn and the end lyrics of this song are the most perfect calling of our trust to God.

What is love without trust?
At my word would you bring your Isaac?

We must trust and love God with all of us. We must sacrifice.