So I'm about my 3rd or 4th week into school and things are going pretty good. Making friends seems to be getting easier and the shenanigans are starting already. I'm super exctied to announce that I have started writing some music with some exceptional bros and we'll be playing in our capus battle of the bands coming up here in the near future. We don't even really have a name yet though which is kind of a big deal so I'm thinking we should probably get on that. I'm trying to get some pictures up of campus and what not here probably by the next blog for those of you who may even read this (Mason?) but I do have my favorite one, which I get to see this amazing view every day here. It's even better at night too as you could imagine but really you need to be here for yourself to experience the real thing.
I have been feeling kind of sick which is scary anymore because of this whole swine flu pandemic. Apparently they were thinking of shutting down Xavier due to the huge out break (which Xavier is just right dwn the road a ways) which has everyone on high alert. I would hate for them to have to send us home for a while, I love it here too much. But miraculously have felt incredible the last 2 days, minus yesterday but that is due to the OSU USC game. I still am looking for some kind of work though so please pray that I can get an oppertunity.
I should be moving into a new room today since my other two roommates bailed on me before classes even started. It kind of sucks but I don't have the extra like $450 for a single. I think it's kind of lame but rules are rules.
Till then,